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How to Write Good OKRs: Tips, Examples, and Best Practices for Effective Goal Setting

Writing effective OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) is essential for driving organizational success, aligning your team's efforts, and achieving your strategic goals. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the key elements of writing good OKRs, share practical tips, and provide examples of objectives and key results. By following the guidelines outlined in this blog, you can create powerful OKRs that drive your organization towards success.

What is an OKR:

OKR stands for Objectives and Key Results, a goal-setting framework that helps organizations set, track, and achieve their strategic and tactical goals. OKRs consist of an objective statement (qualitative) and key results (quantitative) that define how the objective will be measured and achieved. This framework promotes focus, alignment, and transparency across the organization, ensuring that everyone is working towards shared goals.

What is an Objective:

An objective is a qualitative, high-level statement of a desired outcome. Objective statements should be clear, inspiring, and focused on the business's priorities. They should not include dates. Examples of objective statements include:

Example Objectives:

  • Become the market leader in our industry

  • Deliver exceptional customer experiences

  • Build a world-class product

What is a Key Result:

A key result is a quantitative measure that helps determine if the objective has been achieved. Key results should be specific, measurable, and time-bound (excluding dates unless it's a milestone). Examples of key results include:

Example Key Results:

  • Increase customer satisfaction by 20%

  • Grow annual revenue by 15%

  • Reduce product defects by 30%

Tips for writing powerful OKRs:

  1. Focus on outcomes, not outputs: OKRs should express business outcomes, not tasks or activities. For example, instead of setting an OKR to "launch a new marketing campaign," focus on the desired outcome, such as "increase brand awareness by 25%."

  2. Keep it simple: Use clear, concise language that everyone in the organization can understand. Avoid jargon or complex terms that may cause confusion.

  3. Be ambitious: Set challenging goals that push your team to innovate and excel. Aim for OKRs that are achievable yet stretch the team to perform at their best.

  4. Align with your company's strategy: Ensure your OKRs support your organization's overall strategic objectives. This ensures that your team's efforts contribute to the company's broader goals.

Writing OKRs as a team (The benefits of shared OKRs):

Setting objectives and key results (OKRs) is an essential part of driving your organization's success and ensuring that your team's efforts are strategically aligned with your business goals. However, writing OKRs shouldn't be an isolated process conducted by a single individual, such as a team leader or manager. Instead, it's crucial to involve the entire team in the OKR-writing process to foster a sense of ownership, commitment, and collaboration.

The Importance of Writing OKRs as a Team:

Writing OKRs as a team offers several advantages:

  1. Encourages collaboration and communication: When team members collaborate on writing OKRs, they develop a better understanding of each other's roles, responsibilities, and how their individual contributions align with the team's objectives. This open communication and collaboration lead to more effective problem-solving and decision-making.

  2. Fosters a sense of ownership and commitment: When team members are actively involved in the OKR-writing process, they feel more invested in the success of the OKRs and are more likely to be committed to achieving them.

  3. Ensures alignment with team capabilities: Involving the entire team in the OKR-writing process ensures that the objectives and key results are realistic and achievable, given the team's expertise and available resources.

Why Writing OKRs on Behalf of a Team is Never a Good Idea:

  1. Lack of buy-in: When a manager or team leader writes OKRs on behalf of their team, it can result in a lack of buy-in from team members. They may not feel fully engaged in the process or committed to achieving the OKRs, as they didn't have a say in their creation.

  2. Missed opportunities for collaboration: Writing OKRs on behalf of a team can lead to missed opportunities for collaboration and open communication between team members, which can negatively impact the team's overall performance and success.

  3. Misaligned expectations: If a team leader writes the OKRs without input from the team, there's a risk that the objectives and key results may not align with the team's capabilities or priorities. This misalignment can lead to frustration, wasted efforts, and a lack of progress towards the organization's goals.

The Power of Shared OKRs with Other Teams:

Establishing shared OKRs with other teams in your organization can be even more powerful than writing OKRs as a single team. Shared OKRs can:

  1. Break down silos: Shared OKRs help break down silos between teams and departments by encouraging cross-functional collaboration and communication.

  2. Align priorities across the organization: When teams work together to create shared OKRs, they ensure that their objectives and key results align with the organization's overall strategic goals.

  3. Foster a culture of shared accountability: Shared OKRs create a sense of shared accountability and responsibility, as multiple teams work together to achieve common objectives.

Writing OKRs as a team is an essential practice for fostering collaboration, commitment, and alignment within your organization. By involving the entire team in the OKR-writing process and creating shared OKRs with other teams, you can unlock the full potential of your organization and drive it towards greater success. Remember, writing OKRs on behalf of a team is never a good idea, as it can lead to a lack of buy-in, misaligned expectations, and missed opportunities for collaboration. Instead, empower your teams to work together and create powerful, shared OKRs that will propel your organization forward.


While both OKRs and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are essential tools for measuring organizational performance, they serve different purposes. OKRs are goal-setting frameworks that define objectives and the key results needed to achieve them, while KPIs are performance metrics used to track progress toward specific goals. In essence, OKRs define what needs to be achieved and KPIs measure progress toward those achievements.

OKRs and KPIs complement each other, with KPIs often serving as key results within the OKR framework. For example, an objective to "increase customer satisfaction" might have a key result defined by a KPI such as "reduce customer support response time by 50%."

OKR writing best practices:

  1. Limit the number of OKRs: Too many OKRs can dilute focus and hinder progress. Aim for 3-5 objectives per quarter or year to maintain focus and ensure achievable goals.

  2. Regularly review and update OKRs: Schedule regular check-ins to review progress, address obstacles, and make necessary adjustments to your OKRs. This ensures that they remain relevant and aligned with your organization's changing priorities.

  3. Cascade OKRs throughout the organization: Align OKRs at every level of the organization, from company-wide to individual team members. This creates a clear line of sight between individual work and overall strategic objectives, ensuring that everyone is working towards the same goals.

  4. Balance short-term and long-term objectives: Include both strategic (annual) and tactical (quarterly) OKRs to ensure that your organization is focused on immediate priorities while still working towards longer-term strategic goals.

  5. Encourage cross-functional collaboration: Foster collaboration between teams by setting shared OKRs that require cooperation and shared resources. This helps break down silos and fosters a culture of teamwork.

  6. Celebrate achievements and learn from failures: Recognize and reward the successful achievement of OKRs, and use failures as opportunities for learning and improvement. This helps create a culture of continuous improvement and encourages teams to embrace ambitious goals.

Writing good OKRs is essential for driving organizational success and ensuring that your team's efforts are strategically aligned with your business goals. By following the tips, examples, and best practices outlined in this guide, you can create powerful OKRs that drive your organization toward success. If you have questions about writing effective OKRs or how to get started with OKRs, Scaled OKRs is here to help. Our team of experts specializes in operationalizing OKRs and helping organizations become outcome-focused, ensuring that you achieve the results you need to thrive. Give us a call today!

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